The Phenomenally Phine Phi Epsilon Chapter At The University of Houston

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated The Phi Epsilon Chapter, was chartered on the campus of the University of Houston on January 27, 1975 by Soror Renita Carr, Soror Janet Taylor and Soror Sharon Jones. The Phi Epsilon Chapter is a part of the "Mighty" Southern Region, consisting of chapters in Texas and Louisiana.
Members (past and present) consist of college-educated, community service driven and professional women who desire to follow the founding principles scholarship, service, sisterhood and PHIner womanhood.

Past LineZ
Fall 1975
Renita Carr
Janet Taylor
Sharon Jones
Fall 1976
Darlene Nunn
Spring 1976
Cheryl Carr
Sharon Allen
Fall 1977
Pamela Levy
Ollie Gill
Fall 1978
Diana Newell - Tweety
Fall 1980 — “Blue Jewels”
Renee Bland
Cynthia Moore
Sandra Hughes
Fall 1981— “Rebirth of the Dove”
Stephanie Anderson - Love
Janice Abrams - Faith
Rhonda Molix - Harmony
Bernadine Sweazie - Charity
Spring 1986 - “The Only One That Counts!”
Rauchelle Jones - The Only One That Counts
Fall 1989 - “BBD - Beautiful But Deadly”
Ronda Bailey
Michelle Ellis Young
Neisha Rice Andres
Andrea Mosley
Fall 1990 - “Take Six”
Roshonda Wesley - Eurotech
Leisha Jackson-Sanders - AT&T
Regina Lewis - Bullet Proof
Sharon Lott
Tammi Bibbens
Michelle Lincoln
Spring 1991 - “We Got Our own Thing”
Raquel Kelly - Rock “X”
Ann-Elise McClutcheon - Vogue
Tiffany Buchannon
Pamela Gordon
Yolonda Gamble
Nikki Bunting - Nik-Nak
Spring 1992 - “Calm Before the Storm”
Debra Bunton
Sharolet Edwards
Ashleigh Mack
LaRita Williams
Almira Montillo
Andreya Williams - Hectic Storm
Renee Johnson
Kim Smith
Oncida Gage-Broussard - Tropical Storm
Nikki Klugh - Morning Glory
Dawn Burrel - Quiet Storm
Spring 1993 - “Shades for a True Black Woman”
Dynisha R. Adams - Cappuccino
Sabrena Hurst - Soft Sable
Phaedra Smith - Mahogany
Spring 1994 - “14 Ladies of Descretion"
Shatonja Kendall - Desired 1
Alicia Murray - 2 Captivating
Colette Hardin - Erotic
Myclette Brown – Enigma
Rochunda Lee - Guilty as Sin
Karen Dunbar - Undercover
Katina Richardson - Temptation
Loi Taylor - Smoldering Flame
De’Angela Johnson - Careless Whisper
Tonya Phoenix - Insatiable
Ericka Sampson - Sweet Ecstasy
Stacy Sparks - Indecent
Lisa Ratcliffe - Mirage
Edwina Ammonds - Scandalous
Fall 1995 - “Code Blue . . . 3 Degrees Below Zero”
Sorita Lovinigs - Avalanche
Felicia Shelly - Brown Sugar
K. Denea Stewart - Method
Fall 1996 - “Mission Impossible”
Sandra Martin - Set If Off
Cheryl Hardin - Nonchalant
Iris Bonner - Style-N-Grace
Raisha Mack - Deadly Dejavu
Spring 1997 - “M.A.F.I.A”
Michelle London - Mass Appeal
Casey Burrell - Mufasa
Stacey Allen - Final Fury
Nicole Blanks - Intense Pain
Rosheda Hopkins - A Brooklyn Dodger
Spring 1998 - “Only the Strong Survive”
Angela Carter - Angel
Khellie Shanks - Flawless
Aisha Minor - A.B.C.
Kisha Smith - the Protector
April Malone - Phantom
Spring 1999 - “Blue Asylum”
Rhonda Valentine - Confuscious
Nikita Borten - OZ
Julia Amponsah - Cataleptic
Lynita White-Smith - Joan of Arc
La Ronda Walker - Gibraltar
Fall 2000 - “Zeta’s Angels”
Shanequa Manuel - Blue Inferno
Leslie Mitchell - Blue Satin
K. White - Cover Girl
Fall 2001 - “Against All Odds”
Natasha Sidney - Molazzez
Kamilah Humphrey - HERculeZ
Holli Walker - Grace Full
Fall 2003 - “7 Beauty ‘Z’ of the Archon”
Konstance Grimble - White Pages
Jamie Chambers - Stir Cra’Z’
Brandi Brown - Covert Angel
Kersondra Cunningham - Black Widow
Lakeda J. Edwards - Hybrid
Christian Pierre - NE Mean’Z’Necessary
Maleah Similton - Blue Panther
Spring 2004 - “Fire & Ice”
Destiny Fletcher - Fire
Chidi Umez - Ice
Spring 2006 - "Enchanted Ztorm"
Jaquay Johnson - Chaotic Beauty
Amora McDaniel - Calculated Fury
B. Lauren Collins - PZychotic Zeduction
Daria Awusha - Chaotic EleganZe
Florence Okonkwo - ZenZual InZanity
Fall 2007 - "All EyeZ on Blu"
Desiree Paul - IntrinZic
Porsché Randall - InquiZitive
Ashley Hargrove - Intens-ZPhi-ed
Jessica Wooten - InZtrumental
Vanessa Nwaozo - InZightful
Spring 2008 - "UndiZputed Verdict"
Stephanie Velasquez - Plea Bargain
Jordan Hill - SuZtained
Carmen Mitchell - HabeaZ CorpuZ
Patricia Omisore - Burden of Proof
Princess Eke - Illegal JuriZdiction
Natalie Alimole - Double Jeopardy
Amarachi Ilokwu - MiZdemeanor
Ashley Williams - Ex-PoZt Facto
Spring 2009 - "PErilouZ MindZ of the Archon"
Ashley Gordon - AltruiZtic InZanity
Ashton Benjamin - Double Entendre
Charlissa Foster - Zhell Zhock
Brittany Daniel - Blu EffervescenZe
Ashley Pendleton - SchiZophrenic Reaction
Jasmine - MyZtic PropheZy
Fall 2010 - "Blu Affliction"
Kalena Lawrence - DiagnoZtic
Courtney Roberson - Double Dose
Fall 2011 - "Blu AnalyZiZ"
Eboni Isaac - The ExZaminer
Jillian Harvey - ZertiPHIed
Rhea Woods - Blu SuppoZition
Spring 2013 - "The ReZurrection of the Archon"
Halle Salmond - ReZilience
Abby Orogbemi - ReinZtated
Jasmine Jackson - RevelaZion
Tabitha Ejinkonye - RecogniZed
Brooke Sullivan - RefortiPHIed
Ti'Sheia Williams - Recollection
Shanae Mincy - Reclamation
Fall 2014 - "The HeirZ to the Throne of Bastet"
Angela Wilson - Steadfast PerZistance
Jalyn Gordon - GloriPHIed ReZolution
Cyntera Jackson - Stoic ExpressionZ
Lawren Kimble - ModeZt Assurance
Spring 2016 - "The HighnesseZZ of Redemption"
Cha'Keva Peoples - TenaZious Tenure
Ashalyn Mikel - AssiduouZ Ascendency
Michelle Thomas - RepoZed Reign
Fall 2017 - "Heroines of Z.E.A.L"
- JaTori Honora - Black Widow
Jamilah Preston - Susan Storm
Aisha Tadese - Harley Quinn
Leslie Nebeolisa - Wonder Woman
Kadidja Kone - Mystique
Bryanna Lawrence - She-Hulk
Fall 2018- " The TeZtement of A Conquer: The LaZt of A Dying Breed"
Tierra Harris- ReZolute
Linda Mozie- ReZolved
Christine Smith- ReinforZed
Maliyah Gaslin- Enigmatic
Bisi Ogunmefun- ExZuberant
Nkemdili Nebeolisa- IndeZtructible
Faith Squier- AudaciouZ
Spring 2020- "DescendantZ to the Throne: Goddesses of a New Generation"
Jayce Ball- Alectrona
Taylor Ellis- Athena
Makayla Williams- Aglaia